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Utility Rates

 Message From the Rural Municipality of West St. Paul
The municipal wastewater infrastructure project is an important component of the Rural Municipality’s strategy to protect the health of our residents, our water supply, and our environment – both for today’s West St. Paul families and for future generations. This work is key to the current and future growth and prosperity of the community. It is anticipated the new infrastructure will have a positive impact on both local land values and tax base available for neighbourhood investments.
If the property you own is connected to either sewer or water, and will have renters in it who require a direct utility billing in their name the RM MUST have a rental form completed and submitted into the RM within 5 business days of possession date in or out in order to process. The form must be completed by the property owner and the RM is unable to make any changes to the utility account unless notice in writing is submitted from the property owner on title. Non-timely submission of tenant move in or out may not have adjustments made to the account. Please complete rental form here and email into or deliver to the RM office at 3550 Main Street in West St. Paul each time there is a move in or out. 

Property owners will be responsible for all days in between a tenant in and out of the property, and unpaid utility invoices should tenant(s) not pay their utility invoices consistently and in a timely manner will be transferred to the tax roll near the end of each year where it will continue to accrue interest. 
How does the Municipality set my Utility Rates?
The Manitoba Public Utilities Board (PUB) regulates the rates charged for all water and sewer utilities outside Winnipeg.
The Public Utilities Board Order for West St. Paul can be found at
Fees collected by the RM and remitted to the City of Winnipeg:

The sewer usage charge is the charge for your usage, it is $3.52 per cubic meter. A minimum charge of $49.28 will be charged each quarter if your usage is 14 cubic meters or less. A portion of this charge is remitted to the City of Winnipeg based on their cubic meter rate. The balance is held by the RM to offset daily operating costs of the sewer utility system.
The Participation Fee is $294.00 annually and is billed quarterly at $73.50/quarter. This fee is collected by the RM and remitted to the City of Winnipeg for each resident that is connected to the system for the processing of all sewage flushed to the city treatment plant. This is a required charge as per the agreement between West St. Paul and the City of Winnipeg.

Fees held by the RM of West St Paul:

The quarterly service charge is $20.57/quarter. This fee is used to offset administration expenses incurred by the RM for the utility. i.e. salaries, office supplies, postage, insurance, etc.

Reduce: Reducing your water use is as simple as turning off the tap while brushing your teeth and operating dishwashers/ washing machines with full loads.
Repair: Fix leaks as soon as you find them. Leaky taps and toilets can cost you money.
Retrofit: Install faucet aerators, replace an old showerhead with a low flow model, or replace an old toilet with an ultra-low flush model. Water used in the bathroom can be reduced by up to 50%.

• DO regularly inspect your home for leaks
• DON’T leave the tap running when brushing your teeth
• DO install a low flow showerhead
• DON’T turn on the tap full blast when washing your hands
• DO take short showers or shallow baths
• DON’T run the dishwasher until it is full

What do I do if I get a high wastewater bill?
Your bill reflects household consumption. However, it is recommended that you check your inside plumbing for any potential leaks (i.e. running toilets or dripping taps.)

Who is responsible for maintaining the meter?
The Rural Municipality is responsible for future maintenance provided you take reasonable precautions to prevent damage. As with a hydro meter, it is illegal to tamper with the water meter. If service is required, Rural Municipality staff may be required to enter the home to conduct inspections.

How do I know the meter reading is accurate?
The water meters are factory tested and exceed the standards for accuracy set by the American Water Works Association.

Who do I contact in the case of an emergency?

Contact the Public Works Department during business hours at 204-334-0092. To contact the Public Works Department after hours please click here to enter a Request for Service.