West St. Paul Baseball
West St. Paul belongs to North Winnipeg Minor Baseball Association (NWMBA) for boy's ball, who then registers teams to Baseball Manitoba. If you live in West St. Paul, you must register in West St. Paul on RAMP.
NWMBA Website: www.nwmba.ca
Baseball Manitoba Website: www.baseballmanitoba.ca
Please contact West St. Paul's Ball Convener or Registrar
Bev Bragg - 204-339-1142
Barb Chreptyk - 204-338-8473
Here is what you need to know: https://www.baseballmanitoba.ca/coaching-requirements
RALLY CAP (Co-Ed, 7 and under) - Season: May & June
YOB: 2018-2019-2020 - Tuesdays/Thursdays - Plays out of McNaughton Community Centre (corner of Addis Ave & Brigham St).
The Rally Cap Program is baseball's initiation program and is designed to enhance players' and coaches' first experience with the game. The program helps teams teach players the five FUNdamentals of baseball in a fun and safe environment. Players have the opportunity to perform different tasks to enhance their knowledge of baseball.
Baseball Manitoba has adopted Baseball Canada's Rally Cap as the entry level, or initiation program for the 5 - 7 age group. The format involves three teams of six players that meet at the park at the same time. Two teams play a 20-minute game, while one team practices in the outfield. Every 20 minutes they switch, so that each team plays offense and defense and has one practice in the 60-minute session.
Rally Cap Program Goals
• Create a fun environment in which children and adults are actively engaged together in the game of baseball.
• Develop fundamental motor skills, teach baseball skills, and basic rules to our players.
• Experience success with an emphasis on good sportsmanship.
• Promote increased self-esteem among Rally Cap children and adults.
• Recruiting new coaches and volunteers
Children will receive a Hat to keep and a T-Shirt to be returned at the end of the season.
GRAND SLAM (Co-Ed, 9 and under) - Season: May & June
YOB: 2016-2017-2018 - Mondays/Wednesdays - Plays out of McNaughton Community Centre (corner of Addis Ave & Brigham St).
The Grand Slam Program is designed to promote physical development of children through the game of baseball. The program helps develop physical literacy by using a modified game to teach the basic baseball skills to children and ensure success. The program is designed for children of eight and nine and consists of four categories of activity fit into two seasons.
Grand Slam Goals
• Create a healthy environment in which children of various levels of ability find pleasure in learning baseball
• Initiate or pursue the development of basic baseball skills and strategies for players
• Teach and develop sportsmanship in a context of healthy competition
• Develop and promote self-esteem in children
11U, 13U, 15U, 18U - Season: May, June & into July depending on Play-Offs/Cities/Provincials
At this point players begin competitive baseball where all rules apply. Various levels of play are so as to ensure that all players regardless of their skill level can enjoy the game of baseball.
- 11U (10-11 years)
- 13U (12-13 years)
- 15U (14-15 years)
- 18U (16-18 years)
For more information on the AA and AAA Baseball Programs visit the North Winnipeg Minor Baseball Association (NWMBA) Website: www.nwmba.ca

If you have any questions, please contact West St. Paul's Ball Convener or Registrar
Bev Bragg - 204-339-1142
Barb Chreptyk - 204-338-8473