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Frequently Asked Questions

Throughout this project citizens will have questions.
Property owners are encouraged to review the frequently asked questions (FAQs) answered on this page. As questions are received, the RM will answer them on this webpage so that citizens can see what others are asking, and understand the answers that are provided. Your input and feedback is important and Council welcomes your questions, considerations and concerns. If your question isn't answered below, you can ask it here.
FAQ categories:
Connecting to the wastewater system
Q. How long do I have to connect?
Once service is installed provincial regulations require that properties be connected within ten years after the installation of the sewer lateral or prior to transfer of ownership or subdivision of the property – whichever is earlier. If land is transferred without connecting to the sewer lateral, the new owner of the land must complete the connection within two years after the transfer. See Section 8.1(1) and Section 8.1(2) of Regulation 83/2003 of the Environment Act. The municipality will provide the property owner a letter advising when the ten year period begins.
Q. What about my existing sewer?
Residents currently on a sewage treatment plant system:
If you are currently connected to one of the Riverdale, Lister Rapids, Rivercrest or Riversprings treatment plants, your property is already connection-ready; no additional work will be required on your property to connect to the new system, however meter installation is required.
Residents with septic or holding tanks:
For most homeowners with a septic or holding tank the sewer system will connect to existing septic systems. The main change will involve disconnecting and decommissioning your existing field or tank and running a service pipe between the line already servicing your home and gravity sewer connection at the property line. A meter will also be required to be installed.
 Gravity Service
Q. When will water meters be installed?
Meters will be installed in each home or business prior to commencement of sewer service. In conjunction with partners at Manitoba Water Services Board, the RM received tenders for the supply and installation of the water meters and coordinated the installation of meters prior to completion of the main trunk sewer line.  Meters have been installed in all our our current LID's.
Q. What type of contractor should I call about having the sewer service installed on my side of the property line?
Many licensed contractors who advertise sewer services will be qualified to install the sewer service needed to connect your home to the new sewer system and would be required to obtain a sewer permit from the municipality. There have been some changes to our Sewer and Water licence. There are now two types of licences; Class A Licence for Main Trunk Sewer Line Connection or Class B Licence for Lateral Sewer Line Connections. Currently the following contractors are registered with the Municipality:

Class A Licenses:

Buus Construction 204-482-5031                                                         
Maple Leaf Construction Ltd. 204-783-7091
 Class B Licenses: 
Frick Construction Ltd.  204-668-5161
Cox Construction Ltd.  204-224-2092
Buus Construction
Taillieu Construction
Winnipeg Enviro. Remediations Inc.
Bayview Construction Ltd. 204-254-7761
Accurate HD Ltd. 1-855-374-5548     
Kyle Construction Ltd.  204-256-6368
Tri-Core Projects Ltd. 204-942-1516 
D&D Sewer and Water Ltd 204-791-7374 
Precision Earthworks Inc  204-960-7553
Elite Excavating  431-373-9099 
Schulz Homes  204-346-4688 
XL Excavating Ltd.  204-222-5303
ACV Sewer & Water Inc 204-997-5221
Cambrian Excavators Ltd. 204-233-8033
Swift Underground Ltd. 204-846-7984 
Raymond Vauclair Projects Ltd.  204-222-4506
Grade A Excavation Inc.  204-661-8995 

The municipality makes no other representation or warranty with respect to contractors that are licensed, and is not responsible for the contractor's work/services and/or conduct and/or omissions. Any contract you enter into with a contractor for such services is a private matter between you and the contractor.
Again, you can employ a contractor not currently listed, provided the contractor obtains a licence from the Municipality prior to commencing work.  Please note, this list is subject to change.  For the most up to date information, please visit the RM website or contact the municipal office by phone.
*Subject to change
Are you a contractor looking to obtain a sewer and water license to complete connections within the RM of West St. Paul?  The Application for a Sewer and Water Contractor’s licence can be found here. 
Please note: Any existing property looking to connect to a sewer or water line must have a water meter installed in the home before the permit/connection work can take place. Please contact the Utility Department at 204-334-0092 to arrange the meter installation if you are looking to connect but do not have a meter already installed in your home. 
Q. Will my new system be inspected after installation?
Homeowners are responsible for the installation and maintenance of sewer service on their side of the property line. Once installed, the RM will inspect the sewer service.
Q. What is a Local Improvement District (LID)?
A local improvement district is a by-law that allows a municipality to levy funds only from the taxpayers who will benefit from a local improvement provided. For the wastewater project, LIDs will be used to fund the localized installation of lateral sewers and infrastructure required to connect residents to the Main Street trunk line.

Q. What is a Local Improvement By-Law?

A local improvement by-law allows municipalities to tax only the taxpayers who will benefit from the local improvement provided. Local improvements can be the acquisition, development, upgrading or replacement of one or more of the following:
  • sewage collection and treatment facilities,
  • water supply, treatment and distribution facilities,
  • waste management facilities,
  • highways,
  • drainage systems; or
any other project the cost of which includes a capital component.
Q. Will I need to decommission my septic tank or holding tank?

An out-of-service septic tank or holding tank must be decommissioned in accordance with Manitoba Conservation’s regulation, the Onsite Wastewater Management Systems Regulation, MR 83/2003 and this guideline.

For more information:
If you have questions regarding decommissioning of your onsite wastewater management system, please contact Manitoba Conservation at 204-945-2970. Toll free 1-800-282-8069 or visit: