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Important Updates

This web page will be continually updated so you can stay up to date as the project moves forward.

As the wastewater treatment project has progressed, the RM has been committed to providing current information to West St. Paul residents on an ongoing basis. Here are a number of different resources that were made available throughout the process:
March 13, 2025 - Council gave second and third reading to By-Law 2024-12 for the areas known as Hiawatha Avenue, Minnehaha Avenue and Kenabeek Street.

February 13, 2025 - Council gave second and third reading to By-Law 2024-11 for the areas known as Nye Avenue and Baldock Street.
November 8, 2024 - The Municipal Board held a public hearing for the purpose of hearing any presentations in objection to or in support of proposed By-Law 2024-11 at the Seven Oaks Learning and Service Centre (1985 Grassmere Road) at 9:30am. Local Improvement Plan By-Law No. 2024-11 is for the areas known as Nye Avenue and Baldock Street. The notice that was provided to the affected residents can be found here.
November 7, 2024 - The Municipal Board held a public hearing for the purpose of hearing any presentations in objection to or in support of proposed By-Law 2024-12 at the Access Centre (48 Holland Road) at 9:30am. Local Improvement Plan By-Law No. 2024-12 is for the areas known as Hiawatha Avenue, Minnehaha Avenue and Kenabeek Street. The notice that was provided to the affected residents can be found here.
May 30, 2024 - A Public Hearing for By-Law 2024-12, to authorize the expenditure and borrowing of money for the proposed LID was held. Six (6) of the sixty (60) properties in the Local Improvement Plan area registered in support of the proposed LID. Twenty-nine (29) properties in the Local Improvement Plan area registered in opposition. Council gave first reading to By-Law 2024-12.
May 30, 2024 - A Public Hearing for By-Law 2024-11, to authorize the expenditure and borrowing of money for the proposed LID was held. Six (6) of the forty-five (45) properties in the Local Improvement Plan area registered in support of the proposed LID. Nine (9) properties in the Local Improvement Plan area registered in opposition. Council gave first reading to By-Law 2024-11.

April 11, 2024 - Council passed Resolution 2024-149 to use the one-time provincial funding of $512,316.63 to support strategic infrastructure projects within the community. These funds and the interest earned on these funds to reduce the borrowing required for the installation of three wastewater collection systems in the areas known as: Hiawatha Avenue, Minnehaha Avenue and Kenabeek Street; Nye Avenue and Baldock Street; and
Evelyn Avenue.
April 11, 2024 - Council passed Resolution 2024-148 to proceed with three separate local improvement plans and wastewater collection systems for the areas known as: Hiawatha Avenue, Minnehaha Avenue and Kenabeek Street; Nye Avenue and Baldock Street; and Evelyn Avenue.
March 21, 2024 - Council passed Resolution 2024-115 to approved a Wastewater Lift Station and Forcemain Financing Policy COU 2024-01 to establish guidelines in which the Municipality will contribute a financial component to the construction of new wastewater lift stations and forcemains in the Municipality.
December 14, 2023 - The resolution to give First reading of Local Improvement Plan By-Law No. 2023-11 was defeated at the Regular Planning Meeting. The proposed LID process will not advance further without Council support of the Local Improvement Plan By-Law.

November 2, 2023 - A Public Hearing for By-Law 2023-11, to authorize the expenditure and borrowing of money for the proposed LID was held. Nine (9) of the one hundred and fourteen (114) properties in the Local Improvement Plan area registered as in support of the proposed LID. Seventy-five (75) properties in the Local Improvement Plan area registered in opposition.

October 5, 2023 - Over 60 people attended a town hall meeting at the Access Centre on October 5 to learn about a proposed Local Improvement Plan for the installation of sewer service on Hiawatha Avenue, Minnehaha Avenue, Kenabeek Street, Nye Avenue, Baldock Street and Evelyn Avenue. Members of West St. Paul Council and Administration, along with representatives from the Manitoba Water Services Board (Project Managers) and Stantec Consulting (Project Engineer) were on hand to answer questions. A presentation was provided followed by a question and answer period. To view the presentation on the proposed Local Improvement Plan, click here. To view the recorded Town Hall Meeting, click here.  
September 21, 2023 - Property owners in the area known as Hiawatha Avenue, Minnehaha Avenue, Kenabeek Street, Nye Avenue, Baldock Street, and Evelyn Avenue received a notice that was hand delivered regarding an upcoming Town Hall Meeting for the installation of sewer service that will take place on October 5, 2023. This notice will also be posted on the Municipal website, area mailbox sites, by email blast, Facebook, Twitter, and in the Selkirk Record edition on September 28. Click here to view the notice. 
July 13, 2023 - Council passed a resolution to cancel the Public Hearing for Local Improvement Plan By-Law 2023-07. Council have directed administration to determine options available to reduce the borrowing required for the installation of a wastewater collection system in this area and to pursue additional grant funding for the project.

June 20, 2023 - Over 50 people attended an open house at the Access Centre on June 20 to learn about a proposed Local Improvement Plan for the installation of sewer service on Hiawatha Avenue, Minnehaha Avenue, Kenabeek Street, Nye Avenue, Baldock Street and Evelyn Avenue. Members of West St. Paul Council and administration, along with representatives from the Manitoba Water Services Board (project managers) and Stantec Consulting (Project Engineer) were on hand to answer questions. Storyboards were laid out to provide an outline of the project and information on costs, financing and timelines. For more information on the proposed Local Improvement Plan, click here.
June 8, 2023 - Property owners in the area known as Hiawatha Avenue, Minnehaha Avenue, Kenabeek Street, Nye Avenue, Baldock Street, and Evelyn Avenue received a notice in the mail regarding an upcoming Open House for the installation of sewer service that will take place on June 20, 2023. This notice was also posted in the Selkirk Record editions on June 8 and June 15, Municipal website, area mailbox sites, by email blast, Facebook, and Twitter. Click here to view the notice that was mailed to residents.   

May 17, 2023 - Property Owners in the area known as Hiawatha Avenue, Minnehaha Avenue, Kenabeek Street, Nye Avenue, Baldock Street, and Evelyn Avenue received a notice on May 17, 2023 regarding test drilling activities. Click here to see the notice that was delivered to residents and posted at their area mailbox sites.  

April 13, 2023 - Council passed resolution 2023-170 at the April 13, 2023 Council Meeting to proceed with a local improvement plan and wastewater collection system for the area known as Hiawatha Avenue, Minnehaha Avenue, Kenabeek Street, Nye Avenue, Baldock Street, and Evelyn Avenue and to proceed with a local improvement plan and By-Law to undertake the expenditure and borrowing of money for the installation of a wastewater collection system. Click here to view resolution 2023-170.

March 23, 2023 - Council passed resolution 2023-151 at the March 23, 2023 Council Meeting to request the Manitoba Water Services Board’s (MWSB) technical and financial assistance to extend wastewater servicing along Hiawatha Avenue, Minnehaha Avenue, Kenabeek Street, Nye Avenue, Baldock Street, and Evelyn Avenue as part of the West St. Paul regional wastewater system and approve a cost-sharing agreement between the Municipality and MWSB for this Sewer Collection System Project. Click here to view resolution 2023-151.
December 23, 2020 - Council gave second and third reading to By-Law 2020-17 in the area known as Rossmore Avenue West of the CP Rail Line. 
December 23, 2020 - Council gave second and third reading to By-Law 2020-16 in the area known as Rossmore and Addis Avenues.
October 17, 2020 - Council held a Town Hall Meeting on October 17, 2020 regarding Rossmore, Addis, Brigham and Rossmore West of the CP Rail Line Local Improvement Districts.  See the full presentation here.  
April 6, 2020 - The Public Hearing regarding the Rossmore Avenue West of the CP Rail Line Local Improvement was held and was shown live on YouTube due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Click here to view the information that was presented at the Public Hearing. 
March 28, 2020 - The Open House regarding the Rossmore Avenue West of the CP Rail Line Local Improvement on March 25, 2020 has been cancelled due to the COVID-10 pandemic. Click here to view the information that was prepared for this Open House.

March 19, 2020 - Open House cancellation notice.

March 5, 2020 - Council was advised that there were unexpected grant funds from the Rossmore / Addis LID that could be used to extend wastewater services to 22 properties west of the CP Rail Line. Council passed a resolution to enter into an agreement with the Manitoba Water Service Board and proceed with a local improvement plan and by-law to undertake the expenditure and borrowing of money for the installation of the wastewater collection system.


June 27, 2019 - Property Owners that are part of the Rossmore and Addis Local Improvement District received a project update letter. Click here to see the letter that was delivered to residents and sent to our email mailing list.  
April 2, 2019 - Council gave second and third reading to By-Law 2019-01 in the area known as Rossmore and Addis Avenues.

February 11, 2019 - A Public Hearing regarding the Rossmore & Addis Avenues Local Improvement Plan to authorize the expenditure and borrowing for the installation of wastewater sewer took place. See the Public Hearing presentation here. Council gave first reading to By-Law 2019-01. 
January 17, 2019 - Council held an Open House regarding the Rossmore & Addis Avenues Installation of Sewer Service. Were you unable to attend the Rossmore & Addis Avenues Installation of Sewer Services Open House? Review the presentation online.
December 4, 2018 - Council was advised that the Clean Water and Wastewater Fund had unexpended funds from 2017/2018 and that the RM had the opportunity to participate in a 50/50 cost sharing agreement that would allow for wastewater treatment on Rossmore and Addis Avenues up to the CP Rail crossing. Council passed a resolution to enter into an agreement with the Manitoba Water Service Board and proceed with a local improvement plan and by-law to undertake the expenditure and borrowing of money for the installation of the wastewater collection system.


Sewer line completed on Balderstone Avenue, connections are pending the LID process.

Manitoba Water Services Board approves the trunk line to St. Andrews for extension of the forcemain funded by the RM of St. Andrews.

Rivercrest & River Springs are connected to the new municipal wastewater system.

August 23, 2016 - The Council of the Rural Municipality of West St. Paul passed a resolution which supported the application to the Clean Water and Wastewater Fund for the following projects:
  • Baldock Street, Nye Avenue & Evelyn Avenue Wastewater Sewer
  • Minnehaha Avenue, Kenabeek Street & Hiawatha Avenue Wastewater Sewer; and
  • Rossmore Avenue Wastewater Sewer
July 19, 2016 - Lister Rapids connects to the new municipal wastewater system - Click here to view the notice that was sent out by email blast.

July 7, 2016 - The RM's of West St. Paul and St. Andrews sign a MOU regarding the capital cost sharing of the regional wastewater gravity sewer.
April 1, 2016 - Riverdale connects to the new municipal wastewater system.

January 25, 2016 - West St. Paul's wastewater project is recognized by the Red River Basin Commission for improving the environment and water quality in the Red River.
Winter 2015-2016 - Construction Contract 3 awarded to Darco Enterprises Ltd. for lateral lines in LID's begins.

Fall 2015 - Anticipated completion of Main Street trunk sewer construction.
Construction slated for substantial completion before fall 2015 in line with grant funding requirements.

The Manitoba Water Services Board tender for Contract 3 of the wastewater project for the lateral lines in the LID's of Riverdale, Lister Rapids and Rivercrest / River Springs is awarded to Darco Enterprises Ltd. 

September 22, 2015 - By-Law 2015-08 to authorize the expenditure and borrowing of money for a Local Improvement in the area known as Rivercrest and River Springs received third reading.
September 17, 2015 - By-Law 2015-07 to authorize the expenditure and borrowing of money for a Local Improvement in the area known as Lister Rapids received third reading.
September 15, 2015 - Municipal Board approves By-Law 2015-08.

September 3, 2015 - Municipal Board approves By-Law 2015-07.

August 7, 2015 - Small Communities Fund denies our funding application for the Rossmore-Addis area.  The RM will re-apply for the next funding intake.

July 14, 2015 - Municipal Board Hearing for By-Law 2015-08 (see Public Hearing Materials from April 8, 2015).
July 13, 2015 - Municipal Board Hearing for By-Law 2015-07 (see Public Hearing Materials from April 7, 2015).
April 22, 2015 - submission of Wastewater System By-Law No. 2015-13 to the City of Winnipeg for final approval.
April 21, 2015 - 2nd & 3rd Reading of Wastewater System By-Law No. 2015-13.
April 20, 2015 - 1st Reading of City of Winnipeg Wastewater System By-Law No. 2015-13 - A draft By-Law to regulate the wastewater system within the Rural Municipality of West St. Paul and its wastewater discharge to the City of Winnipeg.
April 15, 2015 - LID#3 and Lid #4 Submission sent to the Municipal Board for approval.
April 8, 2015 - Public Hearing - By-Law 2015-08 for the Rivercrest River Springs LID #1 & #4 - A draft By-Law to authorize the expenditure and borrowing of money for a gravity wastewater sewer system - Public Hearing Materials Available Online - Were you unable to attend the public hearing? Review the presentation online.
April 7, 2015 - Public Hearing - By-Law 2015-07 for the Lister Rapids LID #3 - A draft By-Law to authorize the expenditure and borrowing of money for a gravity wastewater sewer system. Public Hearing Materials Available Online - Were you unable to attend the public hearing? Review the presentation online.
March 2015Community Bulletin Wastewater Sewer Update - Update on the project schedule and upcoming Public Hearings.
September 2014 Community Bulletin Wastewater Sewer Update - Updated information on project status; plans for phase 2; timelines; and opportunities for water service. Includes details on costs and funding for the sewer, as well as details on connecting to the sewer and costs for West St. Paul property. owners.
Summer 2014 – Spring 2015 - Planning to service Lister Rapids, River Springs Drive and Rivercrest.

Manitoba Water Services Board has prioritized Lister Rapids, River Springs Drive and Rivercrest for connection to the new sewer system to allow decommissioning of existing area wastewater treatment facilities. The RM has drafted Local Improvement District (LID) boundaries to fund the installation of lateral sewers that will connect residents in these areas with the Main Street trunk sewer. 
Construction on Riverdale LID set to begin in fall 2014.

Future Phase planning

Preliminary planning for Future Phase extension of a main trunk sewer west through the Rossmore-Addis area underway to address persistent septic conditions shown in local testing of ditches, and to service connections west of the Main Street corridor as part of future phases.
Funding for future phases
Canada-Manitoba Building Canada Fund grant applications for federal and provincial funding for future phases are submitted, but denied.  Funding applications will be sent during the next intake period.

Spring 2014 - Construction contracts awarded to Tri-Core Projects and Darco Enterprises Ltd and construction on Main Street trunk sewer begins.

February 2014Community Bulletin Wastewater Sewer Update - Updated information on the expenditure and borrowing for the Riverdale LID; the Phase 1 proposed project schedule; sewer utility replacement reserve fund By-Law; and the lot frontage calculation policy.
November 2013Community Bulletin Wastewater Sewer Update – Brief summary of the public hearing on October 21, 2013. Includes the definition of Local Improvement District (LID); a wastewater treatment project map and proposed costs; and a proposed timeline for Phase 1.
October 21, 2013Public Hearing Materials Available Online – Were you unable to attend the public hearing? Review the presentation online.
October 21, 2013By-Law Proposed At Public Hearing On October 21 2013 – A draft By-Law to authorize the expenditure and borrowing of money for a gravity wastewater sewer system.
October 21, 2013Proposed Plan for Installation of a Gravity Sewer System – A description of the proposed local improvement for LID #2, released at the public hearing on October 21, 2013.
October 17, 2013Community Bulletin Wastewater Sewer Update – Updates on project developments, including tenders issued for main trunk line construction, and plans for Riverdale and area residents. Includes an invitation to the public hearing on October 21, 2013.
July 2013 Community Bulletin Wastewater Sewer Update – Summary of updates from the May and June 2013 meetings.
May 2013Community Bulletin Wastewater Sewer Update – Important information regarding the approval of borrowing By-Law for Phase 1; the plan to minimize the financial burden on residents; and next steps.
May 1, 2013Wastewater Sewer Project Presentation – Detailed description of the project, which was shared at the Financial Plan Public Hearing on May 1, 2013. May 1 2013 Financial Plan & Wastewater Presentation - Were you unable to attend the presentation? Review the materials online.
February 2013Open House Presentation – Were you unable to attend the Open House? Review the presentation online.
Preliminary system design and public consultation complete - Preliminary planning, design and consultation for wastewater sewer to service West St. Paul are completed.
Approvals and grant funding secured
RM receives final approval from the Canada-Manitoba Building Canada Fund and Manitoba Water Services Board, indicating that the $14.5 million main trunk sewer project along Main Street will receive a total of $10 million in grant support.

Sewer system design complete
Detailed engineering designs are completed and Main Line construction tenders are issued as two separate contracts to allow for more competitive bidding and for construction to proceed at a faster rate after contract award.
Planning to service Riverdale area
Public consultation and by-law approval process for a Local Improvement District (LID) to fund the installation of lateral sewers that will connect area residents with the new Main Street trunk sewer are completed.

Preliminary study on options for wastewater service

Extensive RM and external engineering studies conclude connecting to the City of Winnipeg sewer system to be the most cost-effective option for West St. Paul, both in terms of construction and long-term maintenance and operation. Early planning included service to both West St. Paul and St. Andrews. Subsequently St. Andrews chose to leave the project; RM efforts ensured $4-million in federal and provincial grant funding for the project remained in place for use on the West St. Paul plan. 

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