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West St. Paul Softball

West St. Paul Softball

West St. Paul belongs to North West Softball Association (NWSA) for girl’s ball, who then registers teams to Softball Manitoba. If you live in West St. Paul, you must register in West St. Paul on RAMP. 

Softball Manitoba Website:



Please contact West St. Paul's Ball Convener or Registrar

Bev Bragg - 204-339-1142

Barb Chreptyk - 204-338-8473

Here is what you need to know:

Changes to Softball as of 2021

Softball Manitoba has restructured their divisions to create a stronger performance pathway which will give more athletes the opportunity to play at a high level.

A - Club level, formerly B

AA - New to introduce High Performance 

AAA - High Performance, formerly A


The new regional boundaries will pair Stonewall with West St Paul players to form AA and AAA organizations. 


What does this mean for your child?  If they just want to play club level and have fun with friends, nothing will change. Our local community centers will be hosting teams as they have in the past.


If they want more competition, but not the commitment that AAA requires, AA tryouts take place in May with the teams competing after the community club provincials. All athletes must play club level to participate. This level also acts as a bridge to prepare to make the jump to AAA.


If they want to play the highest level in the province, AAA tryouts take place in September with teams forming shortly after and practicing year round.


Age Groups - Season: May, June & into July depending on Provincials

U11 - At this age, players should be able to confidently perform the fundamental skills of softball (throwing, catching and hitting). These skills are also taught during the season.

U13 - Players will be varying field positions. Pitching skills will be worked on for those interested. Coaches will continue to hone player’s skills.

U15 - At this point players should begin defining their field positions. Normally, pitchers and catchers are determined by this age. Other field positions will continue to be rotated.

U17 - Most field positions will be defined, in particular, pitching, catching and some infield positions. Some field positions will still be rotated.

U11-U17 teams will play at the Access Centre - West St. Paul's Recreation Site.