Information and Registration for Players
- Can players still sign up for 2025 Mini Soccer?
- yes, registration will open soon
- When does the Mini Soccer Season run?
- May & June – The 2025 Mini Soccer Season will begin the week of May 5 (if weather allows)
- Days & Times of Games
U3/U4 CO-ED Mondays and Wednesdays at 6:00 pm
U5/U6 CO-ED Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:00 pm
- Parents/Guardians, please ensure that someone will be staying on-site with your child during the duration of Mini Soccer. You are encouraged to participate with your child during the training session of the program!
Mini Program
U7/U8 Boys - Tuesdays and Thursday at 7:15 pm
U7/U8 Girls - Mondays and Wednesdays at 7:15 pm
- For U7/U8 the West St. Paul & East St. Paul teams may merge to form a league depending on registration numbers and play each other as it is our goal to ensure as many children get to play as possible. Games will then take place at either the Access Centre or Centennial Park in West St. Paul or the ESP soccer complex.
- U4-U8 Mini Soccer Fee Breakdown - $115.00 plus $18 member fee (paid directly to MSA)
- Location of Games & Schedules
- All Games will be scheduled at Centennial Park - between Willis Rd & Slater Rd or at West St. Paul Recreation Site behind the Access Centre - 48 Holland Road
- Each coach will be provided a schedule including the dates and times as well as locations of the games - Game schedules will also be posted under the Mini Soccer Schedules option in the dropdown menu
- What do the players need to wear / bring?
- cleats / runners & socks
- shin guards
- shorts or pants, depending on the weather conditions
- water bottle
- A Soccer Ball and Jersey will be provided for the season! Players can keep the Soccer Ball but Jersey may have to be returned at the end of the season
- Can my child play with a friend?
- We recognize the importance of friendships, however we will not be taking any special requests unless there is a commitment to volunteer to Coach, Assistant Coach, act as Team Manager, etc... Only those who VOLUNTEER will have their request considered (one request per registration).
- Without volunteers, the program will not be able to operate. Volunteers can be mom, dad, grandpa, grandma, big brother, big sister, auntie, uncle or cousin! Find more information on coaching by clicking the Information for Coaches option in the dropdown menu.
- Once Teams are formed, rosters will not be changed
- Weather Conditions
- Games are played come rain, snow, or shine. Only extreme weather (lightening) or hazardous field conditions (soaked fields) will cause cancellations. Lightning must be present, not forecast.
- Sometimes, games get played in both wet and cold weather. Splash pants (over shorts) and a light jacket (under jerseys) are allowed in these conditions.
- WYSA (Winnipeg Youth Soccer Association) posts on game days if games will be called off due to weather. Since WSP sometimes has weather different from other parts of the city, please connect with the coach/es from the other team if you are cancelling the game. There have been times where we've experienced a downpour and other parts of the city were dry.
- Visit the WYSA Website for info on Cancellations
- Snacks
- Due to the number of different allergies, having a team snack is not a requirement of mini soccer
- Please do not feel obligated to bring or arrange team snack
Information for Coaches
Mini Soccer Coaches Corner:
We will not be taking any special requests regarding team placements, playing with another player, etc... unless there is a commitment to volunteer to Coach, Assistant Coach, act as Team Manager, etc... Only those who VOLUNTEER will have their request considered (one request per registration). Without volunteers, the program will not be able to operate. Volunteers can be mom, dad, grandpa, grandma, big brother, big sister, auntie, uncle or cousin!
Here is a basic rundown of what coaches are responsible for:
- Picking up Soccer Equipment from the Access Centre, bringing it to each game and returning it at the end of the season
- Introducing yourself to your team, communicating game schedules and being present at each game
- Running a few warm-up exercises with kids (e.g. a lap around the field, stretching, jumping jacks, arm circles, etc.).
- Running soccer drills and skills before games (e.g. dribbling a ball around cones, practicing shooting on net, etc.).
- Help ensure players get equal playing time (substitute lines approximately every 3 minutes).
- Make sure players stay on the field when they are playing and on the sidelines when they are not playing.
- Help teach good sportsmanship. Encourage players to cheer on their teammates and congratulate the other team for a game well played!
That’s it! At this age, you don’t need to be a professional soccer player to coach your child’s team. In fact, it’s completely okay if you’ve never played soccer before. It’s more about teaching kids how to be a team player (taking turns on the field, passing and sharing the ball, cheering for their teammates).
Canada Soccer Grassroots Coaching Course
Coaches can take the Canada Soccer Grassroots Coaching Course for the age group you plan to Coach. (Not 100% required, but GREAT TO HAVE)
- Active Start – U4-U6
- FUNdamentals – U6-U9
The theoretical portion of the Coaching Courses are completed ONLINE through Canada Soccer – click HERE to sign up
The on-field practical portion of the Coaches Courses are completed through Manitoba Soccer Association - Info TBA!
ALL RECEIPTS are to be submitted to recreation@weststpaul.com for reimbursements
Respect in Sport (RIS) for Activity Leaders (Good for 5 years) (Not 100% required, but GREAT TO HAVE)
Free Course offered ONLINE through Sport Manitoba
If you have completed RIS in the past - click on "Click here to look it up" and input your email address that you would have used. You will be able to see your certification date. From that date your certification is good for 5 years.
If the date is past 5 years they will need to click "Click here to re-certify"
Mini Soccer Schedules
- Weather Conditions
- Games are played come rain, snow, or shine. Only extreme weather (lightening) or hazardous field conditions (soaked fields) will cause cancellations. Lightning must be present, not forecast.
- Sometimes, games get played in both wet and cold weather. Splash pants (over shorts) and a light jacket (under jerseys) are allowed in these conditions.
- WYSA (Winnipeg Youth Soccer Association) posts on game days if games will be called off due to weather. Since WSP sometimes has weather different from other parts of the city, please connect with the coach/es from the other team if you are cancelling the game. There have been times where we've experienced a downpour and other parts of the city were dry.
- Visit the WYSA Website for info on Cancellations
Mini Soccer Field Locations

Resources for Parents & Coaches
Canada Soccer Pathway Coach’s Tool Kit:
Stage One –
Stage Two –
FUNdamentals U6, U7 & U8
Manitoba Soccer Association (MSA) Grassroots Practice Plans for U5-U18 Soccer
MSA’s Technical Department provides weekly practice plans for Active Start, FUNdamentals, and Learn to Train Coaches
FCNW Training Drills: