Current taxes are payable, at par, on or before the last working day in September by 4:30pm.
Tax receipts will only be issued upon request or if a balance is outstanding on the account.
Office Hours are 9:00am to 4:30pm.
Penalty of 1.25% will be added on October 1 and on the first day of each month thereafter, until paid or the time of tax sale. Lands in arrears for more than one year will be subject to tax sale. Arrears that are shown on your tax bill are subject to further penalties e.g. Arrears paid in October must include penalties at 1.25%.
The effective date for payments made to the RM of West St. Paul will be the actual day of receipt by the RM of West St. Paul. To avoid late fees, mail in a postdated cheque and allow ample time for the payment to reach the Municipal Office or allow 4 to 5 business days for online payments to be processed by your financial institution and the RM of West St. Paul’s financial institution.
For your convenience, there is a dropbox located at the entrance of the Municipal Office for those who are unable to attend during office hours.
When are taxes due?
Current taxes are payable, at par, on or before the last working day in September by 4:30pm.
When are tax penalties charged?
Penalties of 1.25% will be added on the first day of every month that you are in arrears.
Tax Installment Payment Plan Service (TIPPS)
What is TIPPS?
The Tax Installment Payment Plan Service is a plan which allows property owners to pay their property tax bill through direct deposit from their financial institution. TIPPS is a monthly tax installment payment plan by which taxpayers can make twelve consecutive monthly payments for taxes rather than a single annual payment. To take advantage of TIPPS you have to have a chequing account at a credit union, bank or trust company. This program allows us to withdraw monthly deductions from your financial institution to pay for your property taxes.
How does TIPPS Work?
A monthly payment is calculated by dividing your most recent tax statement by the number of installment payment (maximum 12, minimum 3) rounded up to the nearest dollar. TIPPS will begin October 1 of each year and continue each consecutive month until the account is paid in full on the tax due date at the end of September. All outstanding amounts must be cleared before you participate in the TIPPS program and prior year arrears are not eligible under the TIPPS program. Application forms may be obtained from the Municipal Office.
A monthly payment is calculated by dividing your most recent tax statement by the number of installment payment (maximum 12, minimum 3) rounded up to the nearest dollar. TIPPS will begin October 1 of each year and continue each consecutive month until the account is paid in full on the tax due date at the end of September. All outstanding amounts must be cleared before you participate in the TIPPS program and prior year arrears are not eligible under the TIPPS program. Application forms may be obtained from the Municipal Office.
- The property owner’s name and address which appears on the enclosed bill is in accordance with the latest information which has been made available to the municipality. If, however, any ownership change has since occurred, please forward the enclosed bill to the current owner or return it immediately to the municipal office with an explanation. Failure to receive a bill does not excuse an owner from responsibility for payment of taxes nor relieve that owner from liability for any late payment penalty.
Brochures and application forms are available at the Municipal Office, or below.
MyPropertyMB is now available online! Create an account to view your property assessment details

Manitoba’s property assessment services are now digitally available! Property owners outside the City of Winnipeg can access their assessment notice by creating an account on the MyPropertyMB digital portal.
Through the portal, property owners have access to enhanced details of their property assessment, such as buildings assessed on their property, characteristics including building age, size, and features that impact the assessed value.
What if I want to make an early payment for taxes?
Any tax payments that are paid prior to receipt of the tax bill will be credited towards the tax account.
Do you accept post dated cheques?
Yes we accept post dated cheques.
Property Tax Payment Options
The RM of West St. Paul has the following methods for paying property taxes:
- AT THE MUNICIPAL OFFICE – 3550 Main Street, West St. Paul, MB
- BY MAIL - RM of West St. Paul, 3550 Main Street, West St. Paul, MB R4A 5A3
- ONLINE - Set up a payment option for property taxes with your financial institution or TelPay, using your Roll number as your account number.
- TAX INSTALLMENT PAYMENT PROGRAM SERVICE (TIPPS) - This option allows ratepayers to have automatic monthly withdrawals from their bank accounts. For more information on enrollment please click below.
- INSTALLMENT PAYMENTS - Payments can be made either by coming into the Municipal Office, by mailing in postdated cheques or through online banking and payments will be credited to the tax account.
Please note that many debit cards have daily limits on them so verify with your financial institution before coming to the Municipal Office to make your payment. Credit cards are not accepted.
Click here to see our online payment policy for information on how we will process your payments made through your bank.
NOTE: Please ensure you allow ample time for your online payment to reach the RM of West St. Paul’s financial institution. A good guideline to follow is 5 business days for processing by your financial institution and the RM of West St Paul’s financial institution.
Online Banking - How can I pay online?
Each financial institution has two separate accounts for TAXES and UTILITIES. A customer can set up bill payments through the following institutions:
Please allow 4-5 business days for this payment to be processed by both your financial institution and ours.
Taxes |
CIBC – West St. Paul (Rural Mun) Tax |
Scotia Bank – RM of West St Paul Taxes |
RBC – R.M. of West St-Paul-Taxes |
BMO – West St Paul Municipality |
TD Canada Trust – West St. Paul (RM OF) Taxes |
Telpay – West St Paul (RM) Taxes |
Please allow 4-5 business days for this payment to be processed by both your financial institution and ours.
I paid my taxes online at the end of September. I just received my paid receipt and it shows that there is a balance owing. Why?
Payment was likely received after the due date. Payment must be received by 4:30pm on the last business day in September to prevent late payment charges. Residents who choose to make online payments must allow sufficient time for the payment to be processed by their financial institution - generally, this is 4-5 business days. See our Online Payments Policy here.
I sent in a payment for the amount that was stated on my tax bill but yet I received a receipt showing there are still taxes owing? Why?
If there were arrears owing on the tax statement, then the tax amount due would change each month because of the monthly penalty charge.
What if I do not receive my tax statement?
Tax statements are usually mailed out in June of each year. Please notify the Municipal Office if you have not received a tax statement bill as you are still responsible for paying your taxes.
What information with regard to my taxes can I obtain over the phone?
The RM of West St. Paul does not have the authority to collect confidential information about a person to verify identity over the phone. It is recommended that you attend the Municipal Office in person, with proper photo identification in order to obtain information required regarding your property taxes.
How are my taxes calculated?
Taxes are calculated by multiplying the mill rate and your portioned assessment see the formula below:
Your Portioned assessment / 1000 x mill rate = tax amount
What if there are arrears on my tax statement?
Arrears can be as a result of previous tax bill(s) that were not paid in full. Arrears can also result from unpaid utility (water and/or sewer) invoices and/or outstanding account receivables owed to the RM of West St. Paul for the prior year that have been added to the tax roll.
What period does the tax statement cover?
The tax year is the calendar year and covers the period from January 1 to December 31.
When are the tax statements mailed?
Tax Statements are mailed out early-summer each year.
How much does it cost for a tax certificate?
The cost for a tax certificate is $40.
I didn’t receive a tax statement for the year, what should I do?
It is the property owner’s responsibility to ensure that the Municipality has the correct mailing address. Please contact the Municipal Office at 204-338-0306, as you must still make your payment(s) on or before the due date to avoid penalty. Failure to receive a bill does not excuse an owner from responsibility for payment of taxes nor relieve that owner from liability for any late penalty payment.
Moving in or out of the Municipality?
It is important that the Municipal Office be advised promptly of any change of ownership or mailing address in order to ensure that the tax statement is properly forwarded to the correct address.
If the property is in the process of changing owners, the person named on the tax statement is responsible for paying the property tax.
If ownership changed after the tax statement was issued, please forward the tax statement to the current owner or return it immediately to the RM office.
If the property is in the process of changing owners, the person named on the tax statement is responsible for paying the property tax.
If ownership changed after the tax statement was issued, please forward the tax statement to the current owner or return it immediately to the RM office.
I believe my tax bill is high, what should I do?
Property Assessment can be appealed. Taxes cannot be appealed. If you feel your assessment is unfair, please discuss it with the Provincial Assessment Branch located at 103 - 235 Eaton Avenue, Selkirk, Manitoba or phone 1-866-262-9786 or 204-785-5092.
If your assessment is reduced as a result of an appeal, any over payment of taxes will be refunded.
The taxes must still be paid on or before the due date to avoid penalties.
Can I appeal my assessment?
You can appeal the assessed value of your property through the Board of Revision held every fall. If you feel your assessment is unfair, please discuss it with the Provincial Assessment Branch located at 103 - 235 Eaton Avenue, Selkirk, Manitoba or phone 204-785-5092 or 1-866-262-9786.
School Taxes
School taxes are part of the annual property tax bill that are mailed out each year to property owners. The school taxes that are billed and collected by the Municipality are remitted to the Province and school divisions to pay for education.
What Tax Credits or Rebates am I eligible for?
Homeowners Affordability Tax Credit
If you own your home and pay property taxes, you could be eligible to save up to $1,500.00 for the 2025 tax year with the Manitoba government’s Homeowners Affordability Tax Credit (HATC). The credit helps to cover the school taxes you pay, and is provided either directly on your municipal property tax statement or through your income tax return.
This credit replaces the previous EPTCA and School Tax Rebates. To be eligible for the HATC for 2025, you must be living in the home as of January 1, 2025 and it must be your principal residence. Secondary properties are not eligible for this credit.
To apply for this credit, fill out the application form found below and return to the Municipal Office by March 31, 2025. Alternatively, you may claim the HATC through your income tax return. Seniors may be eligible for additional savings.
If you rent your home, you may qualify to receive for the 2023 and 2024 tax year up to $525 under the Renters Tax Credit. Click here to learn more.
Seniors Property Tax Credit
Senior households are eligible for an additional EPTC of up to $200 minus 0.5% of family net income. This credit is claimed on the Manitoba Income Tax Form MB479 – Manitoba Credits.
Manitoba seniors who live in their own homes may be eligible for the Seniors’ School Tax Rebate. Click here to learn more.
Farmland School Tax Rebate
The Farmland School Tax Rebate (FSTR) was implemented in 2004 to support the rural economy by providing Manitoba farmland owners with school tax relief.
The current FSTR rebate percentage is up to 40 per cent of school tax to a maximum of $2,500 between related parties. Landowners are required to submit an annual application to Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation (MASC). If you received a rebate in 2023, a pre-populated application form will be supplied to you in 2024. Click here to learn more.